You may already be familiar with camping stoves, as they are a popular and convenient way to cook food outdoors. But if you’re planning on backpacking through the wilderness, you’ll need something more portable. A backpacking stove is usually confused with an ultralight camp stove which is meant for car camping activities and not lightweight hiking or backpacking. When choosing a backpacking stove, there are several factors to consider before making your purchase.

Pro Tip:
If possible, test out different types of stoves before buying one online so as get an accurate feel for size and weight balance as well as performance capabilities . Don't forget about accessories too - carrying cases make transporting them easier while certain cookware such as windscreens are nice additions if they come included with purchase!
Size & Weight
When it comes to backpacking, lighter is better. The closer your equipment is to the weight of a feather, the easier it will be for you to transport your gear over long distances on foot. Be sure to look for a stove that won’t add too much weight or take up too much space in your pack. Most of today’s stoves are designed with ultralight materials, so you don’t have to sacrifice performance for convenience.
Fuel Type & Availability
The type of fuel used by your stove should be one of the most important considerations when choosing which one you want. All stoves can use either liquid or gas fuel sources; however, some require specific types that may not be available in all areas. If you plan on traveling in remote places where it may be difficult to find the right kind of fuel, look for a multi-fuel option like the Jetboil MiniMo that can easily convert from water-activated solidified alcohol cansisters (biofuel) to traditional (isobutane) fuel-canister options.
Simmer Control & Efficiency
Adjustable settings allow for precise level control so you can slow down the burner and cook meals that require low heat such as simmering sauces or sautéing vegetables. Look for stoves with a control knob so you can subtly adjust the flame from high heat all the way down to low simmer without having to continually flip switches or waste time adjusting different flames manually throughout cooking time. Also consider how long it takes for your stove's fuel canister to reach full usage levels before needing replacement - efficiency matters!
Cost & Durability
Backpacking stoves vary widely in cost depending on features and materials used in construction. Many higher-end models tend to last longer than cheaper ones due its durability and quality materials used during manufacturing processes but this often comes at a price; sometimes these features alone could double or triple what an average entry level model would cost. Always consider how often you plan on using it along with any contingencies before investing in an expensive piece of equipment that may end up sitting unused most of the year!
Best Brands for Backpacking Stove
There are several well-known backpacking stove brands out there, including Jetboil, MSR, Primus and Coleman. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages; some may be heavier or lighter than others, while some may require specialized fuel sources that not all retailers carry. Do your research before making a purchase so you can find the best backpacking stove to fit your needs!
Common FAQs about Choosing a Backpacking Stove:
What are the lightest backpacking stoves out there?
Jetboil, MSR, Primus and Coleman all offer lightweight backpacking stoves that weight anywhere from 5-25 ounces (142-702 grams).
Do I need any special accessories with my stove?
Some special accessories such as windscreens are nice additions if they come included with purchase. Carrying cases will make transporting your stove easier, so be sure to check for this when shopping.
Are liquid fuel or canister stoves better?
It depends on what type of environment you’ll be using it in. Canister stoves tend to be more reliable in frigid temperatures while liquid fuel options are better suited for higher altitudes.
When choosing a backpacking stove, be sure to assess your needs and research the different brands and models to find the one that's right for you. Pay attention to weight, fuel type and any included accessories you may need. This will ensure that you have the perfect backpacking stove for your next adventure!